Σάββατο 30 Ιανουαρίου 2010

Crime of Aggression

The question whether the crime of aggression is an international crime under customary law is one most hotly debated issues in the international arena. I reserve to come back and cite the most prominent authorities supporting each side, but on an initial basis it seems rather bizarre to disregard the apparent usefulness of a number of international treaties. The London Agreement on the Nuremberg Tribunal, the Agreement establishing the Tokyo Military Tribunal, The Rome Statute itself do point to the direction that there is consensus on a number of States that such a crime does exist. Enforceability of its prohibition is a questionable issue, but the opinion juris is somewhere in the air...

1 σχόλιο:

  1. Αγαπητέ, καρδιακέ φίλε και κουμπάρε Στέλιο,

    περιμένουμε εμείς οι αναγνώστες σου τα άρθρα σου για τα νέα (οικονομικά και όχι μόνο) δεδομένα... περιμένουμε τις ώριμες και καθαρές σκέψεις σου..
