Νοσεί η κυβέρνηση κι η χώρα μαζί, ενώ αδειάζει με ταχύτητα η κλεψύδρα.
Το μόνο αληθινό όπλο που έχει η χώρα είναι γρήγορα να σχηματίσει πλεονασματικούς προϋπολογισμούς. Το έχει πει σε αποστροφή του λόγου του κι ο Τσίπρας.
Greece would only have a leverage in any negotiations to come, if it manages quickly to demonstrate a surplus in its budget. As long as the country is dependant on cash to come, internal devaluation policies will continue. It is a national fiscal goal.
A new civil party must then be formed bringing to an end the everlasting reign of the political elite that was saved in the last elections. Patriotism naked from metaphysical supra-nationalistic obsessions must prevail.
It may be Tsipras,call it liberals, call it whatever. Hope will only be generated once the political equilibrium is restored. I consider myself a moderate liberal. I do not like the fact that under the circumstances the right-wing parties once again managed to be first. If it were not for the Kammenos voters, ex followers of New Democracy that found refuge to a hybrid, Tsipras would now be governing. Tsipras. Not Cheap-rush. I am not sure that the -poulos team possess more patriotism reserves. We are still so low in reforms. On the other hand, I was fascinated by the idea of expropriation. The current value, fair and equitable of the ex public sector utility enterprises as going concerns (OTE, DEI, Ethniki Bank) is NOTHING! But still nobody seemed to be willing to talk about this prospect else than Tsipras. Professor Fortsakis used to repeat emphatically: The EU Treaty is indifferent as to the ownership status of enterprises; they just have to comply with the antitrust rules and stay off state aid. Private power market undertakings collapsed.
It's not about the currency: they want to but the country for free. The -poulos team (Nicolo, Spilioto, Avramo) has not yet opposed to anything. It is still under discussions whether the bank recapitalization funds will be added or not to the public debt, sth that was agreed for Italy and Spain. Common!
I would sacrifice one of my eyes just to be present in Brussels. Just to get that 200blns out of the state's debt.
Expropriation is permitted. Just pay the fair and equitable value of the enterprises as GOING concerns. OTE and Ethniki had a plan to conquer the Balkans market. Even if green economy is a goal for the years to come, I would stay with lignite for as long as the country had reserves. We are not a major economy, we have no heavy/polluting industry, we are not to blame for the climate change.
The Coast Guard and the Police hired sth like 1,000 law graduates. For what?
These are non-ordinated thoughts in a state of confusion and aphasia. Why do we move as turtles? We need to rush. September is going to be tough. ECB is holding a bond of great value maturing in September. Default is taken for granted. But, we still have two months. It's sufficient of we act quickly. There is nothing I suggest. Just alarming myself.
Το μόνο αληθινό όπλο που έχει η χώρα είναι γρήγορα να σχηματίσει πλεονασματικούς προϋπολογισμούς. Το έχει πει σε αποστροφή του λόγου του κι ο Τσίπρας.
Greece would only have a leverage in any negotiations to come, if it manages quickly to demonstrate a surplus in its budget. As long as the country is dependant on cash to come, internal devaluation policies will continue. It is a national fiscal goal.
A new civil party must then be formed bringing to an end the everlasting reign of the political elite that was saved in the last elections. Patriotism naked from metaphysical supra-nationalistic obsessions must prevail.
It may be Tsipras,call it liberals, call it whatever. Hope will only be generated once the political equilibrium is restored. I consider myself a moderate liberal. I do not like the fact that under the circumstances the right-wing parties once again managed to be first. If it were not for the Kammenos voters, ex followers of New Democracy that found refuge to a hybrid, Tsipras would now be governing. Tsipras. Not Cheap-rush. I am not sure that the -poulos team possess more patriotism reserves. We are still so low in reforms. On the other hand, I was fascinated by the idea of expropriation. The current value, fair and equitable of the ex public sector utility enterprises as going concerns (OTE, DEI, Ethniki Bank) is NOTHING! But still nobody seemed to be willing to talk about this prospect else than Tsipras. Professor Fortsakis used to repeat emphatically: The EU Treaty is indifferent as to the ownership status of enterprises; they just have to comply with the antitrust rules and stay off state aid. Private power market undertakings collapsed.
It's not about the currency: they want to but the country for free. The -poulos team (Nicolo, Spilioto, Avramo) has not yet opposed to anything. It is still under discussions whether the bank recapitalization funds will be added or not to the public debt, sth that was agreed for Italy and Spain. Common!
I would sacrifice one of my eyes just to be present in Brussels. Just to get that 200blns out of the state's debt.
Expropriation is permitted. Just pay the fair and equitable value of the enterprises as GOING concerns. OTE and Ethniki had a plan to conquer the Balkans market. Even if green economy is a goal for the years to come, I would stay with lignite for as long as the country had reserves. We are not a major economy, we have no heavy/polluting industry, we are not to blame for the climate change.
The Coast Guard and the Police hired sth like 1,000 law graduates. For what?
These are non-ordinated thoughts in a state of confusion and aphasia. Why do we move as turtles? We need to rush. September is going to be tough. ECB is holding a bond of great value maturing in September. Default is taken for granted. But, we still have two months. It's sufficient of we act quickly. There is nothing I suggest. Just alarming myself.
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